Friday, 23 March 2012

Social TV Fans Cheer ‘American Idol’ Singer’s Antics During Judge’s Harsh Critique

The funnyman on this season’s American Idol took his antics to another level Wednesday night, boosting his appeal among users of Peel’s Idol Interactive Experience, a second-screen engagement platform that lets viewers “cheer” or “boo” contestants and judges in real time.

TV discovery app Peel‘s data (see graphic above) of last night’s top 11 performances reveals which singers are most likely to be safe or be eliminated during tonight’s results show.

Finalist Heejun Han, who was at the bottom of the pack in last week’s chart, catapulted himself near the top of the sentiment heap with his playful rendition of Billy Joel’s “My Life.”

Han lead his performance (watch below) with a staged false start, telling the pianist and band to speed things up after the accompaniment started off too slow for his liking. Han proceeded to rip off his bland tuxedo in favor of a colorful get-up. Fans had mixed reviews (see second graphic) throughout his live performance, but they “cheered” for him intensely while the judges gave their critiques.

“Are you happy that you took the piss out of that song?” judge Steven Tyler asked Han. “The music business will kick your ass. At some point, you’ve got to take it a little more serious.”
Peels users simultaneously “booed” the judges’ commentary of Han, whose antics in previous rounds were praised by fans.

The remaining 11 contestants tackled Billy Joel songs with help from guest mentor Diddy. Leading the overall chorus of boos were underwhelming performances from DeAndre Brackensick, Erika Van Pelt and Joshua Ledet.

Could Peel users’ boos predict who’s going home? It’s possible. Last week, one of the bottom three most-booed contestants was voted off by America.

Front-runners Jessica Sanchez, Phillip Phillips and Colton Dixon continue to please Peel users, with Dixon coming out on top this week for his version of “Piano Man.”

“As for the judges, the Peel community again disagreed strongly with Jennifer Lopez, who received the most boos of the three judges and the lowest approval rating,” Peel’s VP of marketing Scott Ellis told Mashable. “But in a surprising turn, Steven Tyler was the judge most in-tune with Peel users last night, with a 73% approval rating.”

Source: Mashable


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