Spring is just around the corner, and this weekend at Mashable, there was another big event around the corner that proved itself to be a subtext for the entire weekend: the advent of the next edition iPad, which might be called the iPad 3, iPad HD, or something else altogether. Whatever it’s going to be called, we found stories about it, including one intriguing video purporting to show the new tablet’s screen, its thickness, and lots of other heretofore unseen details.
Beyond the anticipation of Apple’s next move, we’re still playing around with Windows 8, and presented a video of the Windows 8 Consumer Preview installed on a tablet. So it’s true: There are other companies making tablets these days, and some of those just might give the iPad a run for its money.
But all that’s just a tiny sampling, among a sea of posts about social media, tips and techniques, tantalizing Twitter pics and digital media resources galore. So we invite you to take a close look at our Weekend Recap list, where you might find something that feels like it was personally written just for you:
News & Opinion Essentials
Is This the iPad 3? [VIDEO]
Windows 8 on a Tablet: First Impressions [VIDEO]
Evidence of iPad 3 and iOS 6? Server Logs Tell the Tale
Facebook Briefly Incorporates ‘Interest Lists’ [VIDEO]
Top 10 Tech This Week [PICS]
Apple’s App Store Hits 25 Billion Downloads
Mercedes Rolls Out Invisible Car [VIDEO]
Movable Ink Serves Live Content in Your Email
YouTube’s Learning Quiz Asks, ‘Are You A Brainiac?’ [VIDEO]
Instagram Tops 25M Users [REPORT]
Lytro: Shooting Matrix-Style ‘Bullet Time’ Video Isn’t Far Away
Apple Tops Fortune’s ‘Most Admired’ List for Fifth Year in a Row [VIDEO]
Foursquare Users, Despite Badge, Do Not Love the Windows Phone
QR Code Condoms Let You Check In Before Getting It On [VIDEO]
Helpful Resources
48 New Digital Media Resources You Might Have Missed
The Pitfalls of Freelancing [INFOGRAPHIC]
Top 6 Mashable Comments of the Week
SnappSchool Connects Parents With Classrooms
Top 10 Twitter Pics of the Week
How Employers Are Paying in 2012 [INFOGRAPHIC]
How to Take Your PR Pitches to the Next Level
How to Maintain Traditional Customer Service in the Social Media Age
10 Strategies for Non-Profits on Pinterest
Weekend Leisure
The Best Instagram Photos Ever Taken [PICS]Source: Mashable
10 Funniest QR Code Fails
SNL Lindsay Lohan Appearance Goes Viral [VIDEOS]
March Madness: 16 Sweet Must-Follows on Twitter
iPad 3: Who’s the Boss Now, iPad 2? [COMIC]
Lady Gaga the First to Hit 20 Million Twitter Followers
Top 10 Most Amazing iPhone Puzzle Games
13 Products You Can Make From Your Instagram Snapshots [PICS]
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