Saturday, 24 March 2012

Job Wars: How Google Stacks Up Against Facebook [INFOGRAPHIC]

Google employees are slightly more satisfied with their workplace lifestyle compared to Facebook for the first time in four years, a new study suggests.

A new infographic from career and workplace community Glassdoor pits Google againts Facebook and compares how employees and candidates view the company.

The data was collected from Glassdoor in a series of surveys on the site, where employees can fill out information regarding the interview process, the company’s CEO and more. Depending on the survey, between 100 and 1,000 people for each company answered the questions.

The report revealed that 92% of Facebook employees approve of how CEO Mark Zuckerberg is leading the company, while 94% of Google employees are satisfied with Google CEO Larry Page.

Glassdoor also divulged average salary data for software engineers at both companies. Facebook pays its software engineers a base salary of $110,874, with a cash bonus of $13,781. Google’s base salary is slightly lower at $103,228 but it comes with a higher average bonus of $18,117.

Although working at both companies is highly coveted in the tech industry, employees said the interview process wasn’t too grueling. On a one to five scale (with five being the most difficult), Facebook employees ranked it a 3.1 and Google employees ranked it a 3.5.

While Facebook poses questions about what it should do next and what could be the biggest challenge the company faces in the next five years, Google raises questions about what a candidate would do if they were the general manager of Apple. For software engineer candidates, Google has asked them to estimate the total storage size of Gmail.

On the inside, both companies love to talk about food, the perks and the benefits. However, Google employees are more likely (7%) to complain about the salary and company politics (6%) compared to Facebook employees, who are more likely to talk about the long hours (%) and work/life balance (7%).
What is your dream company to work for? Let us know in the comments.

Google Facebook Infographic

Image courtesy of iStockphoto, NNehring

Source: Mashable


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