Wednesday, 7 March 2012

How to Follow Super Tuesday on Social Media


Today is Super Tuesday in the U.S., the day when the most delegates are up for grabs in a single 24-hour period during the entirety of the Republican presidential primary. Naturally, social media is abuzz with Super Tuesday tweets, pictures and video.

Not only are primary-goers are tweeting and posting to Facebook about their support for a particular candidate, those candidates are trying to get more support via social networks. Additionally, journalists are covering Super Tuesday with social media and arm-chair pollsters are using trends on Twitter, Facebook and other networks to help predict the various races.

Will Mitt Romney take most of the states and finally be cemented as the frontrunner? Will he and Rick Santorum split the lion’s share of delegates, prolonging a two-man race for the Republican nomination? And how will all these candidates use social media and the web to win Super Tuesday states?

Follow along with Mashable as we collect the best tweets, pictures and videos from Super Tuesday. This will be updated as the day continues. And tell us your predictions in the comments below!

Thumbnail image courtesy of iStockphoto, pagadesign

Source: Mashable


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