Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Delta Wants You to Shop Amazon While Flying

Delta Airlines announced on Monday that it’s offering free in-flight Wi-Fi for passengers — so long as they’re using it to access e-commerce giant Amazon.

Travelers onboard all Delta and Delta Connection flights with Wi-Fi connectivity will be able to visit and shop at Amazon.com and Amazonwireless.com free of charge. The move is a part of Delta’s efforts to invest more than $2 billion in enhanced global products, services and airport facilities through 2013.

To access the site, travelers can open their Internet browser on laptops and mobile devices to connect to the airline’s Wi-Fi portal, Delta Connect. The platform — powered by on-board wireless provider Gogo — also provides free access to real-time travel information, news content from The Wall Street Journal and People magazine, shopping deals and entertainment options. Passengers still have to pay to have full range of the Internet on flights.

“Delta continues to offer new technology and innovation that delivers on our customer preferences while they travel with us,” said Bob Kupbens, Delta’s vice president of marketing and digital commerce, in a statement. “Our customers enjoy our free content options in-flight and free access to Amazon provides a convenient way to shop online at 30,000 feet for things they want on the ground.”

Delta says it operates the world’s largest Wi-Fi-equipped fleet of aircraft, including its entire fleet of 550 domestic mainline aircraft. In total, more than 800 Delta aircraft are equipped with in-flight Wi-Fi service.

Do you think more airlines will partner with retailers to offer access to their sites while flying? Let us know in the comments.

Image courtesy of iStockphoto, youngvet

Source: Mashable


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