Do you think he knows his face will stay like that if the wind changes? This blog is dedicated to that face.
Here, your terrible, blurry fail snaps are celebrated as an art form in their own right.
"Posing With Potholes" collates a collection of images, typically from local media, in which disappointed (and sometimes angry) citizens stare meaningfully (and sometimes point) at holes in the road.
That MySpace-style mirror shot already makes you look silly, but replacing the photographic device with a Pop Tart makes for sublime, surreal hilarity.
Let's be honest, unless you're on the receiving end (like this happy couple), everyone enjoys a good photobomb.
"Ha, ha! Look at me! I'm talking on a banana as if it was a phone!" Kids under 10 can get away with this; anyone else deserves an entry on this blog.
Finally, in the words of the blog curator, "because no really, you look stupid."
Do you pull a “photo face?” Do you have a tendency to mug for the camera? Have you carried out a photobomb — or even worse — the camera-held-up-in-front-of-a-mirror self portrait?
We are all guilty of taking and making such photographs, and there are some great Tumblr blogs out there to call us out on our bad habits. We have found seven single-serve sites that mock photographic conventions, cliches and other crimes.
Source: Mashable
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