Sunday 4 March 2012

Top 10 Twitter Pics of the Week

Top 10 Twitter Pics of the Week (3/3/2012)


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What happens when you take 45 million pictures posted on Twitter, rank them according to popularity and hash tags, and place them in a 10-picture gallery? If you’d like to know the answer to that question, you’ve come to the right place.

We didn’t do this all by ourselves, though. Our good friends at Skylines, eagle eyed researchers all, have developed a special algorithm that gives them an uncanny way of finding the most interesting pictures transmitted around the world during the previous week.

By the way, If you’d like to get to know these cool Skylines people — and if you’re going to SXSW — they’re putting together an event called Photo Drinks on March 11 at 4 p.m., and you’re all invited!
So get ready for another batch of Top 10 Twitter pics of the week, spanning images that are filled with beauty, pathos, triumph, high fashion, and even a bit of cuteness. The best news? We’ve gathered all of it for you, right here.

Source: Mashable


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