Monday 5 March 2012

QR Code Condoms Let You Check In Before Getting It On [VIDEO]

The pre-coital check-in has officially arrived.

Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest (PPGNW) distributed more than 50,000 condoms in QR code-emblazoned wrappers to college students in the state of Washington. The wrappers enable people to scan the QR code with their smartphone to check in to the site and anonymously let the world know where they practiced safe sex. Users can also check in to the site by computer.

The promotion was originally launched to mark National Condom Week, which ran from Feb. 14 through Feb. 21, but the site is still live.

Planned Parenthood said the site “is like Foursquare for people who don’t want a sexually transmitted infection.”

The site has already attracted more than 4,500 check-ins and 65,000 visitors, PPGNW’s new media coordinator Nathan Engebretson told ABC News.

Most check-ins are clustered in Washington, but the site’s interactive map has also registered notifications from as far away as Iran, Equatorial Guinea and Bolivia.

The site allows people not just to geo-tag their sexy time, but also add a bit more detail. People can record their age, gender and that of their partner, and why they use condoms. You can also rate your safe sex experience on a scale of “Things can only improve from here” to “Rainbows exploded and mountains trembled.” And you can get more specific about where you did the deed — selectable options include “the great outdoors,” “at a party,” “in the shower,” and “someplace else.”

Engebretson told ABC News the QR Code condoms can be a useful tool in popularizing safe sex.
“This isn’t about bragging. It’s not about digital notches in your bedpost,” he said. “Even if people have no desire to check in, they’re still getting the sense of how many people like them use condoms.”

Lame gimmick or great example of using tech for social good? Let us know in the comments.

Image courtesy of iStock, MissJames

Source: Mashable


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